字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>切斷的英文翻譯 “切斷”的日文翻譯


拼音:qiē duàn


sever; amputate; cut off; mutilate; shear; shut off; switch off
【計】 blanking; slicing; turn-out
【醫】 binary division; break; truncate


(1) ∶斷開電路可能切斷(2) ∶斷絕切斷敵人的退路 >>查看“切斷”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. B組 (n=12 )為神經切斷組 ,切斷神經 ;
    in group B ( n =12), CSN was cut;
  2. 切斷電源使停止運作。
    cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch.
  3. 他們怕他們的路被切斷, 趕緊退了回去。
    Afraid of their way being cut off, they lost no time in turning back.
  4. 切斷電源是易如反掌的事。
    It was the work of a moment to cut off the light.
  5. 切斷電源使停止運作。
    cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch
  6. 神經解剖神經的切斷或解剖,通常是為了緩解疼痛
    The surgical cutting or stretching of a nerve, usually to relieve pain.
  7. 通過把一個插頭從插座上拔下而切斷(一個電器的)電源
    To disconnect(an electric appliance) by removing a plug from an outlet.
  8. 她剛剛講到最要緊的地方,我們的電話就被切斷了。
    Just when she had reached the most important point we were cut off
