字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>親的英文翻譯 “親”的日文翻譯



benignity; for oneself; parent; relative


親 (親) qīn 有血統或夫妻關係的:親屬。親人。親緣。雙親(父母)。親眷。...


  1. 我的父是一個退休的醫生。
    My father is a retired doctor
  2. 她從她父身上學到苦幹和節儉的美德。
    She learn from her father the virtue of hard work and thrift.
  3. 我母孤單一個人,所以我現在必須回家。
    hence I must go home now.
  4. 醫生正竭盡全力使母恢復健康。
    The doctors are doing all that they can to pull Mother back to health.
  5. 至於她來說,她覺的拉爾夫仿佛是她的一位人。
    As for her, she felt as though Ralph were a member of her family
  6. 各種宗教信仰的對象 ,如圖騰、摩西、上帝等都是“父”的化身 ;
    Totem,Moses and God are incarnations of father.
  7. 婚禮之後幾個月,我的父被調到了東部。
    A few months after the wedding, my father was transferred East.
  8. 因兒子不聽話而打了他一耳光。
    Father slapped the boy on the face for disobedience.
