字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>親筆簽名的英文翻譯


拼音:qīn bǐ qiān míng


autograph; sign manual
【經】 genuine signature


  1. 先生,我能有你的親筆簽名嗎?
    May I have your autograph, sir?
  2. 我請作者在書上親筆簽名
    I asked the author to autograph my book.
  3. 能不能給我你的親筆簽名?
    May I have your autograph?
  4. (我想要他的親筆簽名,但我不敢叫他簽。)
    A: I want to ask him for his autograph, but I am scared.
  5. 他最新出的書上有他的親筆簽名
    an autographed copy of his latest book.
  6. 他會不惜任何代價把他的親筆簽名從那張紙上劃掉。
    He would give anything to scratch his John Henry off that sheet of paper.
  7. 親筆簽名訂立於1988年5月10日...。
    G-under my hand this 10th day of May 1988
  8. 我有許多著名足球運動員的親筆簽名
    I have got lots of famous footballers’ autographs.
