字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>青草的英文翻譯 “青草”的日文翻譯


拼音:qīng cǎo


green grass


為食草動物提供食物的綠色草本植物群,常多由具窄葉的禾本科,莎草科和燈心草科等單子... >>查看“青草”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 在開闊平坦的地區有大量的青草供牛群食用。
    In flat open country there is plenty of grass for the cattle to feed on.
  2. 久旱使青草枯萎。
    The long drought scorched the grass.
  3. 這一帶山區是很好的牧羊場,羊吃了茂盛的青草會長得肥肥的。
    The hilly areas make good sheep pasture; sheep will batten on the lush grass.
  4. 過了林木線之後沿著長滿青草的小道直通陡峭的 頂。
    Above the treeline take a grassy path leading steeply towards the summit
  5. 風吹來了青草和野花的清香。
    The winds came down with the scents of the grass and wild flowers.
  6. 微風送來陣陣青草和野花的香氣。
    The winds came down with scents of the grass and wild flowers.
  7. 青草繁茂的牧場
    a lush pasture
  8. 修剪樹籬;啃吃青草的羊群
    Crop a hedge; sheep cropping grass
