拼音:qīng cuì de英文解釋:
- 孩子們清脆的聲音在大廳里迴蕩。The hall echoed with the ringing voice of the children.
- 叮噹聲輕快、清脆的鈴聲,如玻璃或金屬發出的聲音A light, sharp ringing sound, as of glass or metal.
- 他聽到樹枝清脆的斷裂聲。He heard the sharp crack of a twig
- 他聽到樹枝清脆的斷裂聲。He heard the sharp crack of a twig.
- 黃鶯清脆的鳴叫聲聽起來很悅耳。The liquid note of an oriole sound pleasing to the ear.
- 鳥的清脆的叫聲the liquid notes of a bird
- 發出清脆的叮噹的聲音。make or emit a high tinkling sound.