字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>親同的英文翻譯


拼音:qīn tóng


【機】 homotropic enzyme


  1. 你母親同亞瑟談過了嗎?
    Has your mother spoken to Arthur?
  2. 在戰爭期間她被炸得無家可歸,只好和我母親同住。
    She was bombed out during the war, and had to live with my mother.
  3. 我父親同意我去邊區。
    My father approved my going to the border regions.
  4. 親同意我們參加露營活動。
    Mother gave us the green light to go on the camping trip.
  5. 我的父母親同意我受洗。
    My parents agree to my baptism.
  6. 設法勸說你的母親同意我們的婚事。
    Try to win your mother to our marriage.
  7. 我的父母親同意我們去
    My parents agreed that we should go.
  8. 我母親同意我做兼職了。
    My mother agreed my doing part-time job.
