字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>企圖的英文翻譯 “企圖”的日文翻譯


拼音:qǐ tú


attempt; compass; design; essay; offer; purpose; try; try-on
【法】 attempt; attentat


圖謀;謀劃;打算敵人企圖突圍,但未得逞 >>查看“企圖”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 企圖毀滅罪證。
    He tried to make away with the evidence of his guilt.
  2. 友善的外表掩蓋了陰險的企圖
    The appearance of good will cloak a sinister intention.
  3. 張伯倫在慕尼黑企圖犧牲蘇台德地區來安撫希特勒。
    Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler with Sudetenland at Munich.
  4. 發言人說他們沒又企圖誤導。
    A spokesman has said they were not an attempt to mislead.
  5. 爸爸以增加零用錢為餌企圖說服吉姆。
    Dad is trying to persuade jim by dangle the carrot of higher allowance.
  6. 威爾遜太太企圖慫恿其丈夫找一份工作。
    Mrs wilson tried to charge her husband up about getting a job.
  7. 那個出納員竄改帳目,企圖隱瞞他盜用錢款的行徑。
    The cashier juggled the accounts to hide his theft.
  8. 這位領導由於企圖以權壓人而被撤職了。
    The leader was dismissed for trying to chuck his weight about.
