字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>權重的英文翻譯


拼音:quán zhòng


【化】 weight


猶權力,大權。《晏子春秋·問上九》:“內則蔽善惡於君上,外則賣權重於百姓。” ... >>查看“權重”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 用遺傳算法挖掘範例庫中的特徵項權重的方法
    Method of Using Genetic Algorithm to Find Attribute Weighting in Case Base
  2. 運用權重方法評價AFP監測工作質量
    To Evaluate the Quality of AFP Surveillance with the Weighted Coefficient
  3. 另外,英鎊,澳元,加元的份額雖然遠低於前三個國家,但是三者總共多於10%的權重也不可忽視。
    On the other hand, GBP, AUD and CAD also totaled 10%.
  4. 類別特徵詞權重加權文本分類方法
    Text Classification Method Based on Class Feature Word Quadric Weight
  5. 基於子句權重學習的求解SAT問題的遺傳算法
    Genetic Algorithm for Solving SAT Problems Based on Learning Clause Weights
  6. 根據中子能量給出了相應的輻射權重因子的數值。
    Based on the neutron energy, the value of weighting factor was given.
  7. 範例庫中特徵項權重的發現技術
    Discovery Techniques on Attribute Weighting in Case Base
