字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>確的英文翻譯 “確”的日文翻譯



authentic; firmly; reliable; true


確 (確) què 真實,實在:確實。確鑿。確切。確數。確證。正確。準確。的(...


  1. 有時她實有點裝腔作勢,但基本上是個好姑娘。
    She is basically a nice girl, although she does put on a bit sometimes.
  2. 保實驗室的環境/建康/安全及5S工作運行完好。
    Make sure the jobs of EHS &5S run well in labs.
  3. 實是一個完成動畫的快速方法,但其對記憶體頻寬要求過高。
    This is the fastest way of animating, but its memory bandwidth is too high.
  4. 以下幾條規定包含了正記賬的秘訣。
    The following few rules contain the secret of correct book-keeping.
  5. 亞瑟實是我的好朋友。
    Arthur is my friend indeed.
  6. 我對他的話的很尊重。
    I do care for what he says.
  7. 恭候貴公司的銷售認書及裝船通知。
    We await to receive your confirmation and the shipping advice.
  8. 傳奇法術等級:傳奇法術沒有明的等級。
    Epic Spell Levels: Epic spells have no fixed level.
