字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>取回的英文翻譯 “取回”的日文翻譯


拼音:qǔ huí


retake; retrieve; recapture; repossess; resume; withdraw
【經】 drawing out


以和平手段從已奪走和非法扣押者手裡收回自己的人和財產 >>查看“取回”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 蓋盤後只取回4280元,淨損2960元。
    However, at the end of the game, he only gets back $4,280.
  2. 什麼時候我可以取回
    When can I get the clothes back?
  3. 馬普替林的萃取回收率為 81 7%。
    The extraction recovery of maprotiline was 81 7%.
  4. 申請取回銷售稅。
    Asking for the claim of GST.
  5. 我什麼時間可以取回我的衣服?
    When can I have my laundry back?
  6. 我堅持取回我的退款。
    I will insist on getting my refund.
  7. 我想取回我留在車上忘記帶走的雨傘。
    I should like to retrieve my umbrella which I left in the car.
  8. 職業介紹所要從她的薪資中抽取回扣。
    The employment agency demanded a kickback on her wages
