字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>取捨的英文翻譯 “取捨”的日文翻譯


拼音:qǔ shě


accept or reject; make one's choice


採取或捨棄;選擇取捨得當 >>查看“取捨”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 可供某人取捨;某人可有...
    Open to sbbpossible for or available to sb...
  2. 我們必須決定取捨
    We must decide what to leave out and what to leave in.
  3. 這是一件必須完全由我自己做出取捨的事情。
    This was a thing I had to judge entirely for myself
  4. 有悲有喜,但不似咱們習性中的愛憎取捨
    M: Not as we know them, as desirable or repugnant.
  5. 開發WEB套用時EJB的取捨
    The Selection of EJB in Opening up the Use of WEB
  6. 和平好像是美國人能隨意取捨的東西。
    Peace seems to be something Americans can take or leave.
  7. 很難在這兩者之間做一取捨
    It is difficult to decide between the two .
  8. 當然,我們需要做出取捨
    There is a trade-off, of course.
