字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>去水的英文翻譯


拼音:qù shuǐ


【醫】 anhydr-; anhydration; anhydro-; deaquation; dehydrate; dehydration


兌換銀錢時,對劣質銀幣打的折扣。參見“ 毛水 ”。 >>查看“去水”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他步行去水庫。
    He hikeed out to the reservoir.
  2. 我們明天必須去水牛城。
    We have got to go to Buffalo tomorrow.
  3. 乾枯,枯萎因或似乎因失去水分而變乾燥或枯萎
    To dry up or shrivel from or as if from loss of moisture.
  4. 明天我想去水族館看海豚表演。
    I want to see a dolphin show in the aquarium tomorrow.
  5. 水化酶促進水加到酶解物或從酶解物中除去水的一種酶
    An enzyme that catalyzes the addition or removal of water from a substrate.
  6. 水化酶促進水加到酶解物或從酶解物中除去水的一種酶
    An enzyme that catalyzes the addition or removal of water from a substrate
  7. 附屬檔案:高密度PP去水、濾片和阻水蓋。
    Accessories:High grade PP overflow, filter &stopper.
  8. 通過加熱使物質失去水分的過程。
    the process of extracting moisture (as by heat).
