字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>取物的英文翻譯


拼音:qǔ wù




  1. AGL提取物總黃酮的部分藥效學研究
    Pharmacodynamic studies on the extraction of AGL flavonoids
  2. 抽出的簽被抽取物,尤指簽、牌或任意抽的牌
    Something drawn, especially a lot, card, or cards drawn at random.
  3. 香菸提取物對人體NK細胞和LAK細胞活性影響
    Effect of CSE on NK and LAK cells activity of human
  4. 抽出的簽被抽取物,尤指簽、牌或任意抽的牌
    Something drawn, especially a lot, card, or cards drawn at random
  5. 酒精提取物酒精溶液中的提取物
    Such an extract in a solution of alcohol
  6. 咖喱粉兩種提取物的抑菌作用研究
    Study on antimicrobial activities of two kinds of Curry powder extracts
  7. 取物中不溶解的部分
    The insoluble portion of an extract.
  8. 苦瓜提取物MAP30抗病毒的研究進展
    Research progress on antivirus of MAP30 from Moomordica charantia
