字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>熱情的的英文翻譯


拼音:rè qíng de


ebullient; hot; hotheaded; intense; passional; passionate; tropical; zealous
【醫】 sanguine


1.enthusiastic  2.hot-brained  3.sultry  4.appassionato  5.fullhearted  6.heatedly  7.ardent  8.torrid  9.appassionata  10.lyrical  11.bright-eyed  


  1. 極端或過分熱情的;有激情的或熱烈的
    Extremely or extravagantly eager; impassioned or zealous.
  2. 熱情的示威遊行者被新聞媒介忽視了。
    The zealous demonstrators were ignored by the media.
  3. 他的熱情的演講打動了我們的感情。
    His passionate speech had an effect on our emotions.
  4. 熱情的接待
    a tepid reception
  5. 熱情的人;冷漠的人,
    Person who shows no emotion or is very aloof
  6. 給予我們熱忱的接待;熱情的歡迎。
    gave us a cordial reception; a hearty welcome
  7. 歡迎,款待對剛剛到達的人的衷心問候或熱情的接待
    A cordial greeting or hospitable reception given to an arriving person.
  8. 從他們對我熱情的招呼中我可以看出,他們對我抱有多大的期望。
    I know from their greetings how much they expected of me
