字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>肉搏的英文翻譯 “肉搏”的日文翻譯


拼音:ròu bó


a close battle; fight hand-to-hand


近身相搏,常常是徒手或持短兵器雙方展開了肉搏戰 >>查看“肉搏”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 兩個戰士肉搏起來,直到一個受了重傷為止。
    The two soldiers fought hand to hand until one fell badly wounded.
  2. 肉搏中,您必須與對手進行近距離戰鬥。
    To melee, one must be in close combat with their opponent.
  3. 肉搏
    hand-to-hand fight
  4. 那時候他們正在進行肉搏戰。
    At that moment they were fighting foot to foot.
  5. 肉搏戰決定了戰鬥的勝負。
    The result of the battle was decided in hand to hand combat.
  6. 為了肉搏熱那亞十字弓手也會裝備一柄長劍。
    For use in melee, Genoese Crossbowmen are also equipped with a long sword
  7. 戰士們與敵人展開了肉搏
    The soldiers were engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.
  8. 軍事對抗最高峰期間的肉搏戰。
    close fighting during the culmination of a military attack.
