字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>入土的英文翻譯 “入土”的日文翻譯


拼音:rù tǔ


be buried; be interred


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  1. 作物的稈被留著以便犁入土中作下次播種的肥料。
    The stalks are left to be ploughed into the earth for the next planting.
  2. 森林被砍伐後許多小樹枝被犁入土中。
    When the forest was cleared, a lot of small branches were ploughed under.
  3. 要不了幾天,它的根就會深深地扎入土中。
    In just a few days its root will strike deep into earth
  4. 農夫們把蔬菜葉犁入土中作肥料。
    The farmers ploughed the vegetable leaves back to enrich the soil.
  5. 把作物殘體混入土壤的傳統耕作制。
    Incorporation of crop residues; conventional tillage.
  6. 等到這項目完成時, 我早已入土了.
    I shall be pushing up daisies by the time the project is finished.
  7. 再閒上這么一年,我就要入土了。
    Another year of this idle life , I will be pushing up the daisies .
