字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>入伍的英文翻譯 “入伍”的日文翻譯


拼音:rù wǔ


be enrolled in; enrollment; enter the service; join the colors
【法】 inrolment


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  1. 我們倆都是1939年入伍的.
    We both joined up in 1939
  2. 疾病是取消參軍入伍資格的一個原因。
    Illness as a disqualification for enlistment in the army
  3. 政府正在徵召入伍
    The government is calling up men for the army.
  4. 他被召入伍
    He received a call to arms
  5. 康奈爾健康量表評價新入伍飛行學員精神健康狀況
    Evaluation of mental health of new aviation cadets by Cornell Medical Index
  6. 被徵召入伍者被征入軍隊的人,尤指剛入伍的人
    One who is inducted, especially a person newly admitted to military service
  7. 戰爭一開始他就被徵召入伍了。
    He was called up right at the beginning of the war.
  8. 他們決定徵召足夠數量的預備隊役入伍
    They decided to call up an adequate number of reserves.
