字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>乳腺的英文翻譯 “乳腺”的日文翻譯


拼音:rǔ xiàn


【醫】 glandulae mammaria; lactiferous glands; mammary glands


哺乳動物高度特化的皮脂腺,在雌性分泌乳汁,以營養幼仔,位於身體的腹側 >>查看“乳腺”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 乳腺癌術後輔助治療進展
    Progress of Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer
  2. 乳腺癌患者生活質量對照研究
    A control study on quality of life of patients with breast cancer.
  3. 二胺氧化酶在乳腺腫瘤中表達的研究
    Expression of Diamine Oxidase in Brest Tumors
  4. 結論TA組和CAF組在局部晚期的乳腺癌新輔助治療的過程中療效滿意,毒副反應可以耐受,值得推廣。
    Conclusion Group TA and group CAF have satisfactory effect.
  5. 重慶市婦女乳腺癌危險因素的病理對照研究
    A Case Control Study of Risk Factors for Breast Cancer in Chongqing Women
  6. 乳腺癌死亡率開始下降.
    Breast cancer death rates begin to decline.
  7. 200例乳腺癌的皮紋特徵
    The Features of the Hand De-rmatoglyphics in 200 Cases Breast Cancer
  8. 血清TPS和CA15-3水平變化與乳腺癌的關係及其臨床意義
    Clinical Value of Serum TPS and CA15-3 Levels in Breast Cancer
