字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>撒謊的的英文翻譯


拼音:sā huǎng de


【法】 prevaricator


  1. 我懷疑他是個愛撒謊的人。
    I suspect he is a liar
  2. 撒謊的孩子是不誠實的孩子
    A lying child is not an honest child
  3. 我痛恨撒謊的人。
    I detest people who tell lies
  4. 已經撒謊或經常撒謊的人。
    a person who has lied or who lies repeatedly
  5. 生來愛撒謊的毛病
    A constitutional inability to tell the truth
  6. 我痛恨那些欺詐和撒謊的人。
    I detest people who deceive and tell lies.
  7. 我懷疑他是個愛撒謊的人。
    I suspect he is a liar.
  8. 她不是那種撒謊的人。
    She is not the kind to tell lies.
