字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>商的英文翻譯 “商”的日文翻譯



business; businessman; consult; dealer; discuss; quotient; trade
【計】 Q; QR; quotient


商 shāng 兩個以上的人在一起計畫、討論:商量。商討。商議。商定。商榷。商...


1.quotient  2.Shang  3.monger  4.mercatula  


  1. 我得同委託人量後才能接受你的建議。
    I must consult my prinicipals before agreeing to your proposal.
  2. 在美國,華盛頓是政府所在地,紐約是主要的業中心。
    In the US, Washington is the seat of government and New York City is the chief seat of commerce.
  3. 我和她量過我的報告。
    I consulted with her about my report.
  4. 他的智很高。
    His intelligence quotient is very high.
  5. 我必須同我的委託人磋後才能就這個問題給你答覆。
    I will have to consult my principals before I can give you an answer on that.
  6. 我和朋友量一件事。
    I consulted with a friend on a matter.
  7. 他事先沒有和她量便作好旅行安排,她對他自作主張很生氣。
    She was infuriated by his presumption in making the travel arrangements without first consulting her.
  8. 他們退到另一房間秘密磋
    They retired to another room for private consultation.
