字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>上供的英文翻譯 “上供”的日文翻譯


拼音:shàng gòng


offer up a sacrifice


(1) ∶擺上祭祀物品給祖先上供(2) ∶比喻將財物送給上級或有關部門、人員,以... >>查看“上供”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我們送私家的「儲物櫃」到您府上供處理。
    We deliver the cabinet to your home.
  2. 被授權在艦船上某一權威職位上供職的人。
    a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel
  3. 選單,功能選擇單顯示在螢幕上供計算機用戶使用的選擇單
    A list, displayed on a monitor, of options available to a computer user.
  4. 上廟燒香上供
    go to the temple for burning incense and offering up a sacrifice
  5. 拇指孔(保齡球)上供拇指插入的孔
    An opening made to fit a thumb, as in a bowling ball
  6. 他們在設法製造比目前市場上供應的電視機更好的產品。
    They are trying to improve on the TV sets now available on the market.
  7. 劇院或音樂會上供觀眾坐的地方。
    the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits
