字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>上極的英文翻譯


拼音:shàng jí


【醫】 upper pole


  1. 他在許多事情上極有遠見。
    He has a long head on many matters
  2. 腎臟上極更大的單純性腎囊腫,還有一些小囊腫散布於腎臟。
    Here is a much larger simple renal cyst of the upper pole.
  3. 俚語,指生意上極具競爭力或冷酷無情的做法。
    Slang for highly competitive or ruthless business practices.
  4. 非凡的,極度的在程度、規模或範圍上極度的
    Extreme in degree, size, or extent.
  5. 他的敏捷無人能及,而他隱匿的技巧只比不上極少數人。
    His agility is matched by none, and his stealth is inferior only to few.
  6. 腎臟上極更大的單純性腎囊腫,還有一些小囊腫散布於腎臟。
    Here is a much larger simple renal cyst of the upper pole
  7. 他在許多事情上極有遠見。
    He has a long head on many matters.
  8. 在程度或品質上極度的、非常的壞或討厭的。
    intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality.
