字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>上角的英文翻譯


拼音:shàng jiǎo


【醫】 cornua superius


  1. 紋章右上角的方形部分盾上的一塊小方角,通常位於右上角
    A small, square division of a shield, usually in the upper right corner.
  2. 把郵票貼在信封的右上角
    Affix the stamp to the upper right corner of the envelope.
  3. 紋章右上角的方形部分盾上的一塊小方角,通常位於右上角
    A small, square division of a shield, usually in the upper right corner
  4. 上角的那副怎么賣?
    How much is the pair on the supper right?hand corner?
  5. 獎牌背面表現的是,聖火在體育場背景的襯托下熊熊燃燒,右上角是莫斯科奧運會會徽。
    The upper right-hand segment, carries the insignia of the Moscow Olympics.
  6. 郵票必須貼在信封的右上角
    Stamps must be pasted on the upper right corner of the envelope.
  7. 撇號置於右上角的符號,用以標明變數的第一個導數
    A mark used as a superscript to indicate the first derivative of a variable
  8. 要不要把郵票貼在信的右上角
    Shall I stick the stamp on the upper right corner of the letter ?
