字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>傷口的英文翻譯 “傷口”的日文翻譯


拼音:shāng kǒu


cut; wound
【醫】 tresis vulnus; vulnus; wound


(1) (2) 創傷的部位彈頭有溝痕的子彈留下了一個參差不齊的傷口(3) 外科手... >>查看“傷口”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 傷口腐爛處形成粒化的組織。
    form granulating tissue, as of wounds and ulcers.
  2. 傷口疼痛異常,曹生源日夜哀號。
    It hurt so much that Cao moaned and groaned day and night.
  3. 他躺在地上,傷口疼痛難熬。
    He lies on the ground languishing of wounds.
  4. 傷口的痂
    a scab on a wound
  5. 你最好用乾淨布把臂上的傷口裹嚴。
    You'd better wrap a clean cloth around your arm till the wound closes
  6. 傷口疼得揪心。
    There was a gnawing pain from the wound
  7. 醫生用探針將傷口中的金屬碎片取出。
    A doctor used a probe to remove metal fragments from a wound
  8. 你要衝洗傷口,使之相當乾淨才是。
    You should bathe a cut to make sure it is quite clean.
