字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>上任的英文翻譯 “上任”的日文翻譯


拼音:shàng rèn


take a post


(1) ∶官員就職新官上任三把火(2) ∶指前一任的官員接辦上任未了之事 >>查看“上任”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.comeintooffice  2.enteruponoffice  


  1. 上任的警察局長很快就讓人感覺到他不是平庸之輩。他的主張一付諸實施鎮裡犯罪情況就少多了。
    The new chief police officer quickly made his presence felt, and there was much less crime in the town after his ideas were put into practice.
  2. 世界上任何困難他們都可以克服。
    There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot overcome.
  3. 保險公司保證賠償汽車上任何被偷的零部件,我得讓他們落實他們的保證。
    The insurance company guarantees to replace any parts of the car which are stolen: I should take them up on their guarantee.
  4. 帆船上任何小的桅桿;尤指快艇的後桅。
    any small mast on a sailing vessel; especially the mizzenmast of a yawl.
  5. 鮮有歐洲首相上任伊始便遭遇到如此不祥的開端。
    SELDOM can a European prime minister have had a less auspicious start
  6. 那位游泳冠軍提出同世界上任何人決一勝負。
    The champion swimmer challenged anyone in the world to beat him .
  7. 請說說在你上任工作中的一般工作情況。
    Explain a typical work day of your last job
  8. 上任一模都是循環模直和的環
    Rings on which any Module Is a Direct Sum of Cyclic Modules
