字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>閃爍其詞的英文翻譯


拼音:shǎn shuò qí cí


【法】 shuffle


形容說話吞吞吐吐、躲躲閃閃,不肯說出真相和要害 >>查看“閃爍其詞”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 經理對這個隊最近的失敗閃爍其詞
    The manager glossed over the team’s recent defeat.
  2. 你又在閃爍其詞,你到底有沒有錢。
    You are hedging again ; have you or have not you got the money .
  3. 被問及那件事時,他閃爍其詞
    He shuffled when asked about it.
  4. 部長對失業問題閃爍其詞
    The minister hedged on the question of unemployment.
  5. 我問她為什麼回來這么晚,她回答得閃爍其詞
    She gave me a dubious reply when I asked why she came back late
  6. 避免正面回答;閃爍其詞
    To avoid giving direct answers; hedge.
  7. 閃爍其詞,避免作正面的回答。
    He circumlocutionized to evade the issue.
  8. 閃爍其詞, 不做肯定答覆。
    He hummed and hawed, giving no definite reply.
