字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>聖路易的英文翻譯


拼音:shèng lù yì


【經】 St. louis


  1. 到1830年,他已經旅行到了密西西比的聖路易
    By the year eighteen thirty, he had traveled to Saint Louis, Missouri.
  2. 它位於加洲的聖路易思歐比斯勃,占地6000英畝。
    It is a 6,000 acre campus, located in San Luis Obispo, California
  3. 請問去往聖路易斯乘客是在這裡候機吧?
    Hello. Is this the right place to wait for UA xxxx to St. Louis, MO?
  4. 歐弗蘭密蘇里東部一城市,聖路易斯的一郊區。人口17,987
    A city of eastern Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Population,17, 987.
  5. 4月3日聖路易斯將有一場重要的選舉。
    A CURIOUS election will take place in St Louis on April 3rd
  6. 我們只好在聖路易斯停留2個鐘頭,等待飛機飛往西雅圖。
    We had to lay over in St Louis for two hours waiting for a plane to Seattle
  7. 歐弗蘭密蘇里東部一城市,聖路易斯的一郊區。人口17,987
    A city of eastern Missouri, a suburb of St Louis Population,17, 987
  8. 4月3日聖路易斯將有一場重要的選舉。
    A CURIOUS election will take place in St Louis on April 3rd.
