拼音:shēn gǔ英文解釋:
clough; coulee中文解釋:
幽深的山谷 >>查看“深谷”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.coombe 2.combe漢語造句:
- 有一道深谷把這座城市分成兩部分。A deep gorge separates the two halves of the city.
- 只有一道深谷。There is simply a deep gorge
- 沖溝,激流峽谷狹小深谷,尤指由激流沖刷而形成A small ravine, especially one cut by a torrent
- 在美國西部有許多高峰和深谷。In the west of America, there are many high peeks and deep canyons.
- 我的馬躍過深谷,但其餘的馬都突然停止不動My horse jumped across the deep ravine, but all the others balked
- 繩索斷了,於是登山者墜入深谷,這真是悲慘。It was tragic that the maintainer fell into an abyss when a rope broke