字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>申明的英文翻譯 “申明”的日文翻譯


拼音:shēn míng


avow; declare; state


鄭重地說明我再度申明 >>查看“申明”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 下院議員若想談論與其有關的公司的事,則必須申明他和該公司的利益關係。
    If a Member of Parliament wishes to speak about a company with which he is connected, he must declare his interest.
  2. 申明鄭重地宣誓或肯定
    To make an earnest avowal or affirmation.
  3. 請出示護照、海關申報表和健康申明表。
    Can I have your passport, customs and health declaration forms, please?
  4. 他16年後死於獄中,至死申明自己的清白無辜。
    He died in prison 16 years later, protesting his innocence to the last.
  5. 他們申明擁有他們發現黃金的那塊土地。
    They staked a claim to the land where they had found the gold
  6. 他們申明擁有他們發現黃金的那塊土地。
    They staked a claim to the land where they had found the gold.
