字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>事端的英文翻譯 “事端”的日文翻譯


拼音:shì duān


disturbance; incident


原泛指事情或事情的開端,現指事故或糾紛製造事端 >>查看“事端”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他故意製造事端
    He created disturbances on purpose.
  2. 挑起事端
    to foment trouble
  3. 街頭毆鬥可能是一個更嚴重事端的前奏。
    The fighting in the street may is a prelude to more serious trouble.
  4. 城市和農村好象都在醞釀著麻煩的事端
    Trouble seems to be developing both in the cities and in the villages.
  5. 街頭毆鬥可能是一個更嚴重事端的前奏。
    The fighting in the street may is a prelude to more serious trouble
  6. 她事事都想占上風,以致家庭出了事端
    Her desire to dominate over others has caused trouble in her family.
  7. 沿途搭車會滋生事端
    You’re opening the door to trouble by hitchhiking.
  8. 滋生事端
    cause trouble; create a disturbance
