字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>釋放的英文翻譯 “釋放”的日文翻譯


拼音:shì fàng


free; release; deliver; discharge from; disimprison; emancipate; liberate
set free
【計】 deactivation; deallocate; freeing
【化】 liberation
【醫】 liberation
【經】 release


(1) ∶恢復人身自由釋放犯人狄杜大驚失色,以為奴隸們受神靈保佑,屢淹不死,只好... >>查看“釋放”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.unshackle  2.unpen  3.turnloose  4.letloose  5.acquitment  6.letgo(of)  7.settingfree  8.dischargefrom  9.disimprison  10.deliverance  11.setloose  12.set...free  13.QSARquantitativestructureactivityrelationshiprelease  14.blast  15.unleash  16.emancipation  


  1. 那些囚犯獲赦釋放
    The convicts were pardoned and set free.
  2. 只要交了罰款,他就會被釋放
    He will be set free as soon as the fine is paid.
  3. 恐怖分子只有在某些條件下才釋放人質。
    The terrorists will only release their hostages on certain conditions.
  4. 將軍下令釋放犯人。
    The general directed that the prisoners should be set free.
  5. 他被從監獄釋放使我們困惑不已。
    His deliverance from the prison puzzled us.
  6. 有些罪犯被釋放後有可能重新犯罪。
    Some criminals are likely to offend again when they are released.
  7. 植物可以吸收二氧化碳釋放氧氣。
    Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
  8. 警方釋放了他,但是沒有把護照還給他,這是有特殊用意的。
    The police released him but, significantly, they didn't give him back his passport.
