字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>時間單位的英文翻譯


拼音:shí jiān dān wèi


【經】 hourly basis


  1. 拍子一般的韻律時間單位
    A regular, rhythmical unit of time.
  2. 月大約和月亮盈虧的一個周期相當的時間單位,或約三十天或四周
    A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases, or about30 days or4 weeks.
  3. 紀比世長比代短的時間單位
    A unit of time, longer than an epoch and shorter than an era.
  4. 世地理學中小於紀的時間單位
    A unit of geologic time that is a division of a period.
  5. 拍子一般的韻律時間單位
    A regular, rhythmical unit of time
  6. 計時工作以時間單位數,如小時數付工資的工作
    Work paid for at a rate per unit of time, as by the hour.
  7. 小時是時間單位
    The hour is a unit of time.
