字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>失語的的英文翻譯


拼音:shī yǔ de


【醫】 aphasiac; aphasic


  1. 皮質下梗塞所致失語的SPECT顯像研究
    Clinical study on SPECT imaging in subcortical aphasia
  2. 中風失語的研究現狀與思考
    Present situation and thinking of studies on apoplectic aphasia
  3. 皮層下失語的臨床CT和rCBF研究
    Clinical findings,CT and rCBF research on subcortical aphasia
  4. 原發性進行性失語的語言學分析(英文)
    Linguistic analysis of primary progressive aphasia
  5. 丘腦卒中所致失語的臨床特徵分析
    An analysis of the characteristics of aphasia caused by the thalamic stroke
  6. 丘腦卒中與失語的神經心理學與BAEP分析
    An analysis of neuropsychology and BAEP on thalamic stroke and aphasia.
  7. 後部失語的鑑別診斷
    differential diagnosis of posterior aphasia
