字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>手的的英文翻譯


拼音:shǒu de


【醫】 manual


  1. 斷點由於手的干擾,操作可能被打斷的程式中的點
    A point in a program at which operation may be interrupted for manual intervention.
  2. 當時,旅行執照是不容易弄到手的
    At that time travel permits were not easily laid hold on.
  3. 那是一個棘手的問題。
    It is a troublesome question
  4. 持械劫匪令人高舉雙手的用語
    Said by an armed robber telling sb to raise his hands above his head
  5. 這將會是一個非常棘手的問題。
    This problem is going to be a hard nut to crack.
  6. 一輛新車在你一買到手的時候就開始貶值了。
    A new bike goes down in value the minute you buy it
  7. 手的車胎沒氣時,可以換一輛嗎?
    Can the competitors get a Substitute if they get a flat tire
