字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>售後服務的英文翻譯


拼音:shòu hòu fú wù


after service
【計】 after-sale service
【經】 after service; after-sales service


1.after-salesservice  2.serviceaftersale  3.customerservice  4.aftersalesservice  5.aftersaleservice  


  1. 務求做到良好的售前及售後服務
    Besides a diligently sales team
  2. 售後服務少:即棄型產品,不需要維護。
    Few after service: Ready to abandon product, no need to maintain.
  3. 我們提供快速可靠的售後服務
    We offer prompt and reliable after-sale service.
  4. 良好的售後服務在某種程度上促進了我們產品的銷路。
    In a way good service sells our products
  5. 東部陽光人正以更優的產品質量、更好的售後服務造福人類。
    The East-Sun is contributing better quality and service to humankind.
  6. 我會給您一些軟體、一年的售後服務和特價優惠。
    service and a special price
  7. 希望告知售後服務的具體事宜。
    I wish to know the exact details about the after sale service.
  8. 這家公司免費提供售後服務
    This firm provided a back-up service free of charge.
