字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>受難者的英文翻譯


拼音:shòu nán zhě


martyr; sufferer
【法】 sufferer


  1. 我為飛機失事的受難者感到悲痛
    My heart bleeds for the victims of the air crash.
  2. 受難者的安全應放在第一位。
    Safety of victims needs to be a priority.
  3. 我們十分同情南斯拉夫地震中的受難者
    Our hearts go out to all the victims of the earthquake in Yugoslavia .
  4. 殉身受難者以死殉教
    The suffering of death by a martyr
  5. 這場交通事故的受難者中有幾個人在送往醫院的路上斷了氣。
    Some victims of the traffic accident died on the way to the hospital.
  6. 他幫助了受難者
    He rendered assistance to the sufferers.
  7. 受難者的安全應放在第一位。
    Safety of victims needs to be a priority
