字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>收益率的英文翻譯


拼音:shōu yì shuài


【經】 rate of return; yield rate


1.earningsyield  2.revenueposition  3.earningrate  


  1. 收益率為模糊數的投資組合問題的討論
    On Portfolio Problem Contained Fuzzy Profit Rate
  2. 照此看來,最近債券收益率的上漲可能僅是滑向深淵的第一步。
    The recent rise in bond yields could be a first step in that reckoning
  3. A股、H股新股初始收益率比較研究
    Comparative Study of A-shares and H-shares IPO Initial Profit Margin
  4. 深圳證券交易所不同指數收益率的波動比較
    Comparison of the Volatility of Different Index in Shenzhen Stock Exchange
  5. 文章首先分析了組合證券投資的收益率和風險。
    In this paper the return and risk of portfolio are analyzed.
  6. 對於證券市場,人們最關心的是其收益率與流動性。
    For the security market, what we care about most are return and liquidity.
  7. 本月末基準10年期國債收益率為5.04%。
    The yield on the benchmark 10-year US Treasury ended the month at 5.04%.
  8. 對配股進行收益分析,則是運用淨資產收益率這一指標展開的。
    The analysis of revenue is done by appling to ROE.
