字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>雙倍的英文翻譯


拼音:shuāng bèi


【計】 doubling


  1. 我付了雙倍的價錢。
    I paid double the price.
  2. 我買了雙倍的牛奶。
    I bought double the amount of milk.
  3. 在乘法運算過程中,一種用於產生雙倍數的內部部件。
    In the multiplication, an internal component that doubles a given digit
  4. 雙倍的銷售力量導致增加了銷售額。
    The doubling of the sale force result in increase sale.
  5. 征服者獎金從$4,000增加到驚人的雙倍$8,000!
    Conquerors Prize Money Doubled from $4,000 to an amazing $8,000!!
  6. 老闆答應下月給我們雙倍的薪水,可我們對他的承諾持懷疑態度。
    The boss promised to double our pay next month, but we doubted his word.
  7. 他現在的體重是過去的雙倍
    His weight is double what it was.
  8. 所以毫不誇張地說,跨國婚姻,不是雙倍樂觀於常人者,通通免談。
    Honestly, you need to be more than doubly optimistic to try it.
