字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>滑鼠的英文翻譯


拼音:shǔ biāo


【計】 mouse


  1. 滑鼠是一個可以用手在桌面上推動的小東西,通過它可以在螢幕上移動游標或者選中選單上的某項功能。
    The mouse is a small, handheld object that is pushed around a desktop to move the cursor on the screen or to select choices from menus displayed on the screen.
  2. 提供位置座標的一種輸入設備。例如滑鼠器、圖形輸入板。
    An input device that provides coordinates of a position.Example: A mouse, a tablet.
  3. 滑鼠器(或其它選圖設備)檢取顯示在螢幕上需要的信息,以供計算機做下一步的處理。
    Identification of information displayed on a screen for subsequent computer processing, by pointing to it with a mouse.
  4. 電腦滑鼠不再那么威力無比了。
    The computer mouse is no longer so mighty.
  5. 它可以由一個滑鼠每星期。
    It can get by on one mouse every week.
  6. 我用滑鼠從檔案中選擇資料。
    I use a mouse to choose documents from my files.
  7. Word2000中滑鼠的妙用十則
    The Examples of Mouse Magical Functions in Word2000
  8. 基於USB滑鼠的指紋採集器設計
    The Design of Fingerprint Sampler Base on USB Mouse
