字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>水沖洗的英文翻譯


拼音:shuǐ chōng xǐ


【醫】 water douche


  1. 一定要把頭髮上所有的肥皂水沖洗掉。
    Be careful to rinse all the soap out of your hair.
  2. 把米放入篩子中,用冷流動水沖洗
    Rinse rice in a sieve under cool running water
  3. 正在用清水沖洗車子以前司機用布擦了一遍。
    The driver sponged down the car before turning water on it.
  4. 使用完後請將手放在感應器前放水沖洗
    To flush toilet, put your hand in front of the sensor.
  5. 使用水沖洗廁所的盥洗室。
    a toilet that is cleaned of waste by the flow of water through it
  6. 盥洗室的用水沖洗的碗。
    the water-flushed bowl of toilet.
