拼音:shū tōng英文解釋:
dredge【醫】 deoppilation
(1) ∶清除阻塞,使水流或交通暢通疏通田間的排水溝(2) ∶調解雙方的爭執;消... >>查看“疏通”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.oilthework 2.unchoke 3.openingup中英例句:
- 戴維斯先生請一個朋友去疏通關係以便使他能從銀行里借到錢。Mr Davis asked a friend to grease the wheels so he could borrow money from the bank.
- 排水管堵塞了,得疏通一下。The drain is blocked and needs unplugging.
- 疏通河流dredge a river
- 避免前往空氣疏通不暢、人口密集的公共場所。Avoid to head for air dredge not free, population is concentrated public.
- 交通阻塞公迅速疏通。The traffic will let up in a few minute.
- 他花了一筆疏通費使案件發生了戲劇性的變化。many lobbying expenses are deductible by a taxpayer
- 關於我的薪金問題,你是否已經向會計疏通過?Did you manage to speak to the bursar about my salary?