字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>死不的英文翻譯


拼音:sǐ bù


absolutely refuse to


  1. 我寧死不投降。
    I will rather die than surrender.
  2. “有人對你說愛你致死不渝時,你是什麼感覺呢?”
    "How does it feel to have a guy profess his undying love to you"
  3. 死不可免,二死不可能。
    A man can die but once
  4. 奮戰至死不屈服的士兵受到人們的崇敬。
    Those soldiers who fight to the last ditch are held in esteem.
  5. 討飯難揀嘴。飢餓難擇食。鹿死不擇蔭。
    A beggar cannot be a chooser
  6. 小七被關在幽冥園內,寧死不願承認自己有錯。
    Xiao Qi refuses to admit that her love for Dong Yong is a mistake
  7. 我寧死不妥協。
    I would rather die than compromise.
  8. 死不認錯
    stubbornly refuse to admit one's mistake
