字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>司法的的英文翻譯


拼音:sī fǎ de


judicatory; judicial; judiciary
【法】 judicative; judicial


  1. 誤用司法過程就是阻止司法的實施。
    To pervert the course of justice is to prevent justice being done.
  2. 司法系統司法的法庭系統
    A system of courts of law for the administration of justice.
  3. 司法系統司法的法庭系統
    A system of courts of law for the administration of justice
  4. 一次歪曲司法的審判
    a trial that was a travesty of justice
  5. 司法的司法的或與司法有關的
    Of or relating to the administration of justice.
  6. 審議的立法的行政的或司法的立法團體。
    a deliberative or legislative or administrative or judicial assembly
  7. 審議的立法的行政的或司法的立法團體。
    a deliberative or legislative or administrative or judicial assembly.
