字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>四分的英文翻譯


拼音:sì fēn


【化】 quartering


(1).分為四份。《左傳·昭公五年》:“四分公室, 季 氏擇二。”(2).向四... >>查看“四分”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 四分衛向左場底線一記跳傳使太陽隊得分。
    The Suns scored when the quarterback tossed a jump pass to the left end
  2. 代表某事物的四分之三。
    representing three quarters of something.
  3. 本地勞動力中有四分之一失業。
    A quarter of the local workforce is unemployed.
  4. 三文魚要四分熟的,免得燒得過熟。
    Ask for the salmon medium rare to prevent overcooking.
  5. 四分之一磅茶葉。一聽菸絲。
    A quarter of a pound of tea. And a And a tin of tobacco.
  6. 先生,我們供應迷您型、四分之一和半瓶裝的,請問您要哪一種?
    We sell mini, quarter and half bottles, sir. Which would you prefer?
  7. 一個擊到或越過邊線的球可得四分或六分。
    A ball hit to or over the boundary is worth four or six runs.
  8. 一個擊到或越過邊線的球可得四分或六分。
    A ball hit to or over the boundary is worth four or six runs
