字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>絲毫的英文翻譯 “絲毫”的日文翻譯


拼音:sī háo


a bit; a particle; an iota; damn; in the least; vestige


比喻數量極小或很小;一點點愈為相公官屬五年,辱知辱愛,伏念曾無絲毫事為報答效。&... >>查看“絲毫”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他大睜著雙眼,目光所及絲毫不漏。
    His eyes were wide apart; nothing in their field of vision escaped;
  2. 不論獵捕到公角鯨或母角鯨,因紐特人絕不浪費絲毫可用之物。
    Whether they catch a male or female narwhal, the Inuit waste nothing
  3. 這次爭論沒有引起公眾絲毫的興趣。
    The debate aroused not a speck of public interest.
  4. 「甚麽也沒變,我的觀點也沒有丁點兒或絲毫改變。」
    "Nothing has changed and my views have not changed one jot or iota."
  5. 我沒有絲毫著急的意思。
    I did not feel the slightest inclination to hurry.
  6. 要保證頭髮絲毫不亂,沒有散落下來的一小縷一小縷的頭髮。
    Be sure to make your hair sleek, with no flyaway strands.
  7. 上面沒有絲毫的暗示透露其真實身份。
    Shackles used to string captives together were just “collars”.
  8. 她對他絲毫沒有興趣。
    She showed no glimmer of interest in him.
