字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>司機的英文翻譯 “司機”的日文翻譯


拼音:sī jī


chauffeur; hackman
【機】 engine driver


機動車駕駛員 >>查看“司機”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他當汽車司機維持生活。
    He earns his living as a motorcar driver
  2. 瑪麗嫁給了一個計程車司機
    The guy whom Mary married is a taxi driver
  3. 司機以過失殺人罪被逮捕。
    The driver was arrested on a charge of manslaughter.
  4. 司機讓他搭腳兒去火車站。
    The driver gave him a lift to the station.
  5. 你們這些騎腳踏車的,又橫衝直撞,又危險,廣州的司機啊,都被你們害死!
    You bicycle riders are a danger and a menace to car drivers in Guangzhou.
  6. 馬絲蒂是個計程車司機,但她整天想當上女演員。
    Mercedes is a taxi dancer who wants to be an actress.
  7. 真希望自己有輛車和司機
    I wish I had a car and driver
  8. 這事故是哪個司機的責任?
    Which driver was to blame for the accident?
