字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>私利的英文翻譯 “私利”的日文翻譯


拼音:sī lì


expedience; expediency; self-interest


私人的利益圖謀私利為了謀取私利,甚至無視黨紀國法,手中有一點權,就為所欲為。&m... >>查看“私利”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他不謀私利
    He sought no personal gain.
  2. 他是一個從不謀私利的人。
    He is a person who never pursues selfish interests
  3. 他宣稱無私利,但我知道他另有企圖
    He claimed to be disinterested, but I knew he had an ax to grind.
  4. 確保不要混淆私利和理性的根本原則。
    Make sure not to confuse self-interest axiom and rational axiom.
  5. 把方便私利凌駕於法則原則之上的人。
    a person who places expediency above principle
  6. 他把別人當作工具以謀私利
    He is using men as his tool to get himself on.
  7. 這一路線也與他的私利有關。
    It is also a matter of self-interest.
  8. 這一路線也與他的私利有關。
    It is also a matter of self-interest
