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拼音:sòng rù


【計】 load line


  1. 恭敬地將我們送入餐館
    Bowed us into the restaurant.
  2. 引水渠道將水送入磨坊、水輪或渦輪機的水道
    A watercourse that feeds water into a mill, water wheel, or turbine.
  3. 使認罪;將某人送入一個公共機構。
    cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution.
  4. 管飼法通過一管子把營養物質送入胃中
    Introduction of nutritive material into the stomach by means of a tube
  5. 有線電視信號從電視台直接送入上空。
    6 CATV signals travel straightyly high up into the space from TV stations.
  6. 他被送入獄監禁終身。
    He was sent to prison for the term of his natural life.
  7. 瘟疫和饑荒把成千上萬的人送入了墳墓。
    The plague and the famine sent thousands of people to their long home.
  8. 他太太精神失常,不得不送入精神病院。
    He had to put his wife away when she became mentally
