字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>松屬的英文翻譯


拼音:sōng shǔ


【醫】 Pinus L.


  1. 松屬植物一種石松屬植物,包括石松
    A plant of the genus Lycopodium, which includes the club mosses.
  2. 花旗松,綠樅;與落葉松屬有聯繫。
    douglas fir; closely related to genera Larix and Cathaya.
  3. 屬於石松屬的蕨類植物一科。
    a family of ferns belonging to the order Lycopodiales
  4. 屬於石松屬的蕨類植物一科。
    a family of ferns belonging to the order Lycopodiales.
  5. 松屬植物一種石松屬植物,包括石松
    A plant of the genus Lycopodium, which includes the club mosses
  6. 具有匍匐莖和豎立樹枝的石松屬植物。
    any of several club mosses having long creeping stems and erect branches.
