字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>速度比的英文翻譯


拼音:sù dù bǐ


【機】 velocity ratir


  1. 這艘驅逐艦的速度比任何潛水艇都快。
    This destroyer can overrun any submarine.
  2. 在馬之間進行的速度比賽;通常用來打賭。
    a contest of speed between horses; usually held for the purpose of betting
  3. 在馬之間進行的速度比賽;通常用來打賭。
    a contest of speed between horses; usually held for the purpose of betting.
  4. 狗之間舉行的速度比賽;通常是為了贏取賭金而舉行的。
    a race between dogs; usually an occasion for betting on the outcome
  5. 滑輪的線速度比率與它的直徑成正比。
    The linear speed of ratio of a pulley is in proportion to its diameter.
  6. 狗之間舉行的速度比賽;通常是為了贏取賭金而舉行的。
    a race between dogs; usually an occasion for betting on the outcome.
